"WHEREAS, Representatives Cheney and Kinzinger are participating in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse, and they are both utilizing their past professed political affiliation to mask Democrat abuse of prosecutorial power for partisan purposes... " -- Part of the censure resolution passed by the Malignant Loser's cultists at the Republican National Committtee yesterday (our emphasis).
In a craven act of damage control after a firestorm of criticism, RNC Chairweasel Ronna "Mustn't Say Romney" McDaniel tried to add language at the end of the highlighted phrase above (our emphasis):
In a statement Friday afternoon, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel sought to clarify the resolution’s language, saying it was meant to refer to “ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse that had nothing to do with violence at the Capitol."
Regardless of her sniveling, insincere backpedaling, this is just a sample of what the seditious cultists at the RNC consider "legitimate political discourse":
Good to have that clarified for future reference and action.
BONUS: A good summation --
The Republican National Committee is fully embracing the Trumpian retconning of Jan. 6th as a peaceful protest and, in the process, has gone all-in on the insurrection itself.
(Photos: top, Stephanie Keith/Reuters; bottom, Julio Cortez/AP)
Jan 6th was the Fascist Inflection Point. It would have taken bold, difficult and brave actions to cleave themselves from Trump Hawley Gaetz Boebert Greene and all the Trumpists in various state and local offices instead the GQP welded themselves to him and to their course of violence and destruction of the US government.
ReplyDeleteGene -- "Trump is The Party; The Party is Trump"...