Monday, March 28, 2022

Court: Trump "Corruptly Attempted To Obstruct" Congress On Jan. 6


Trumpist coup planner and delusional Constitutional law crank John Eastman tried to keep his e-mails related to the events before and during the January 6 Capitol insurrection from the House Committee investigating it. U.S. District Court Judge David Carter disagreed, and this morning ruled that Eastman's 101 sensitive e-mails had to be turned over to the Committee, writing in his decision that:

“Based on the evidence, the Court finds it more likely than not that President Trump corruptly attempted to obstruct the Joint Session of Congress on January 6, 2021."  (our emphasis)

Carter also called Eastman's and Trump's efforts related to the January 6 events "a coup in search of a legal theory."

As the Committee's work proceeds, the clear evidence of a conspiracy to obstruct the Congress and to defraud the U.S. government becomes stronger, more extensive and closer to the Malignant Loser.

BONUS:  The Court's ruling should also expose the direct involvement of Eastman friend, the smarmy seditionist Texas  Sen. "Cancun Ted" Cruz, in the coup plotting.

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