Monday, March 28, 2022

Freedumb Truck Nuts Ending DC Circle Jerk

The anti- government, Trumpist truck convoy is ending its largely ignored display of aggrieved ignorance circling the DC beltway and heading west!

The People’s Convoy encamped at Hagerstown Speedway for the past three weeks is leaving to return to California, at least temporarily, organizer Mike Landis announced Sunday night.

The group has used the speedway as a staging area for nearly daily trips by a parade of big rigs, cars and campers to the Washington, D.C., area to protest mandates meant to control COVID-19 and seek a repeal of the pandemic state of emergency.

During a livestream of its nightly rally Sunday, Landis read off a list of strict COVID-control measures that he said were pending in California.

“These 10 bills that I just read are up for a vote next week in California,” he said. “To me, they are the reason that we are here.

“I think stopping those is more important at this point in time than getting the emergency declaration repealed because that’s already in place and we need to stop stuff like these bills from getting in place,” Landis said, “otherwise, the rest of us that don’t live in California are going to end up subject to the same situation.”

So, not- a- public- health- professional Landis will be wasting more time and fuel in his crusade to keep measures to blunt a future pandemic from interfering with his and his fellow numbnuts' Freedumb!!

So, roll on, Freedumb fighters!  Hope you won't have to pee your pants in California or ever have to be admitted to an ICU in your quest to relieve humanity from the scourge of public health measures!

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