New audio tapes indicate that spineless House Minority Leader Kevin "Qevin" McCarthy discussed the process for removing the Malignant Loser from office under the 25th Amendment to the Constitution in the days immediately following the January 6 Trumpist insurrection. After reviewing the idea in a conference call with Republican leadership, he remarked that the process "takes too long" and rejected it. To remove a President through the 25th Amendment, the Vice President and a majority of the Cabinet would have to vote to remove him from Office, after which the President could reject the vote, triggering the need for a two-thirds vote in the House and Senate to remove him. The CNN report continues:
"The new audio release of McCarthy is the latest in a series of such releases featuring the House GOP leader that have shed light on what he said privately to other House Republicans in the aftermath of the January 6 attack. And the fact McCarthy was pressing one of his aides for details about how the 25th Amendment process would work shows there was a serious conversation at the highest levels of GOP leadership about the idea – not just idle chatter – even if it was ultimately deemed not a viable option."
In the same tape, McCarthy also talked about reaching out to President-elect Biden to assure a smooth transition, indicating that he knew the election had been fairly and legally decided in favor of him and not the Malignant Loser.
Within days, however, McCarthy was with the Malignant Loser at his Merde o'Lardo home, signaling that he was firmly aligned with him in the Big Lie. Just recently, McCarthy was caught in a blatant lie, denying that he ever asked the Malignant Loser to resign, when an audio tape of him clearly contradicted that.
(photo: What else to they have on me? Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call /Getty Images)
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