Thursday, August 25, 2022

Coming To A Gas Station Near You


News item:

Drivers have something to smile about: A historic drop in gasoline prices.

The national average for a gallon of regular gas has dropped every single day since soaring to a record high of $5.02 a gallon on June 14, according to AAA.
This 70-day streak of falling prices at the pump is the second longest on record going back to 2005, Bespoke Investment Group noted in a report titled "The Great American Summer of Falling Gas Prices."
The national average for regular gas dipped on Tuesday to $3.89 a gallon, down from $4.38 a month ago.  (our emphasis)

Someone with communications savvy at the Democratic Party is taking advantage of the good news:

By now, we’ve all heard and read about how gas prices are tumbling in the U.S. So there’s no need for me to cite the evidence that, in fact, they are falling at the fastest rate ever.

More unbelievable is that the Democratic Party has put out a brilliant ad campaign. About ANYTHING. But lo and behold, my wife came back from the gas station yesterday where she saw a Dem ad on the little TV screen at the pump — talking about how much gas prices have plunged under Joe Biden!

Wow! In this day and age of targeted advertising to niche groups on social media, the Dems have placed an ad where EVERYONE, regardless of political affiliation, will be reminded that gas prices are in fact falling, while Joe Biden (D) is President. It’s part of a seven-figure nationwide ad campaign to blanket media outlets, including...gas stations?!?!?

Average driver drives up to pump; notices that gas prices are WAY down from a few weeks ago; begins pumping; sees ad verifying that gas prices have indeed fallen; see picture of Joe Biden smiling.


Indeed.  Stay smart and on the offensive.

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