Thursday, August 25, 2022

DeSantis' Vile Attack On Dr. Fauci

Proving that he's the Malignant Loser in a different shape, despicable demagogue Florida Gov. Ron "One Glove" DeSantis targeted infectious disease expert and Presidential Medal of Freedom winner Dr. Anthony Fauci in a new attack. Campaigning for re-election, DeSantis spoke to a crowd of right-wing supporters, telling them:

“I’m just sick of seeing him! I know he says he’s going to retire. Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac."

Dr. Fauci has been the symbol in far-right, COVID-denying circles of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic: public health measures like masking, social distancing and vaccinations which saved countless lives in Florida and across the nation. When Fauci spoke out against the ridiculous, quack "remedies" proposed by the ignorant Malignant Loser, and urged those public health measures that the Malignant Loser wanted to downplay, the MAGA cult turned on him viciously. Death threats to Fauci and his family increased to such an extent that he receives police protection. 

When a political thug like DeSantis, who mishandled the COVID pandemic, uses a hero like Dr. Fauci as a foil and punching bag, it's another sign of how low the dangerous MAGA morons have sunk.

BONUS:  BTW,  DeSantis at 5'9'' towers over "little elf" Fauci by 2 inches.  By DeSantis' own standards, that would make him only a slightly bigger "elf," or maybe just a troll.

(photo: "I use my ungloved hand for nose picking. Shake?" from Twitter)