Saturday, October 15, 2022

Eat Right and Keep Lying About That Abortion

In their debate last night, among a number of howlers and word salads served up by buffoonish Trumpist candidate for the U.S. Senate in Georgia Herschel "How Many Abortions?" Walker was his response to Sen. Rev. Raphael Warnock's comment that Walker opposed capping insulin costs for seniors under Medicare:

“I believe in reducing insulin but at the same time, you gotta eat right. I know many people that’s on insulin. Unless you’re eating right, insulin is doing you no good. So you have to get food prices down and you gotta get gas down so you can go get insulin.”

Hey, Georgians, if we got food and gas prices down, we could drive to the store and all eat right and not need insulin and other medications! (NB -- A healthier diet won't help people with Type 1 diabetes; they need insulin -- at a price they can afford.)

When asked about paying for an abortion in 2009 and asking the same girlfriend to have a second abortion a couple of years later, Walker tripled down on calling the charge lies, despite receipts from the girlfriend from the clinic, a cancelled check from Walker and a get-well card from him as evidence.

In a clownish and obviously practiced moment, Walker, who has repeatedly lied about being in law enforcement, pulled out an honorary badge to counter Sen. Warnock's statement that Walker had lied about his police experience. As he did so, the moderator cut him off and reminded him he was violating the debate's rules against props. His stunt reminded us of a child showing a badge he'd gotten from a cereal box to grownups.

Sen. Warnock is receiving some mild criticism for not being more aggressive and hitting Walker for his many lies and his mockery of family values and violent history. But the debate itself won't change many votes, as Republicans and like-minded "independents" return to whatever person has the "R" by their name on the ballot in November.

(photo: WXIA-TV Atlanta)

1 comment:

Grung_e_Gene said...

Did Walker inadvertently reference Blazing Saddles, with his fake badge allow me to do this out moment? White Georgia racists are salivating over the chance to vote for Walker, who embodies all the racist stereotype they hold for all black men.