Friday, October 21, 2022

Who You Gonna Believe, The Liar Or The Liar?


One of the more scurrilous characters to populate the Malignant Loser's regime (and there were so many), Kash "No Checks" Patel has to be one of the more slavishly loyal ones. A former aide to disgraced flunky Rep. Devin Nunes, Patel was in the critical position of chief of staff to former Acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller from November 2020 on, and likely played a role in denying urgent requests for National Guard troops to defend the Capitol on January 6. 

Most recently, in addition to his board of directors membership on the Malignant Loser's "Truth" Social site, Patel was designated as the intermediary between the Malignant Loser and the National Archives regarding records unlawfully retained at Mar-a- Lago. As a result, he's was called before a grand jury last week to give sworn testimony about the failure to produce all of the documents unlawfully held, and to determine whether justice was obstructed on the orders of the Malignant Loser. As MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell observed last night, the Malignant Loser may be worrying about what Patel actually told the grand jury:

“Kash Patel might’ve taken the Fifth Amendment and refused to answer any questions under oath to that grand jury. Or, Kash Patel may have decided it was time to save himself and stop lying for Donald Trump.

Nothing prevents Kash Patel from telling them what he told the grand jury. But Donald Trump’s problem is he is a pathological liar who has attracted into his employ other pathetic pathological liars ― like Kash Patel.

Donald Trump's lawyers have no idea what he told the grand jury."  (our emphasis)

O'Donnell then drove home the key point:

When one of his pathological liars is now telling him what he said to a grand jury, how can Donald Trump believe that? How can Donald Trump’s lawyers rely on that?”  (our emphasis)

And that's the "Catch 22" for zealots like Patel: when your cult leader is a pathological liar, you observe and assume the character of your cult leader to stay in his favor. The problem is the Malignant Loser will throw Patel under the bus at the first moment he feels threatened (and pathetically, Patel probably wouldn't mind).

(photo: That creepy, hypnotized look. DOD official portrait)


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