Wednesday, November 23, 2022

GA Court Rejects Republicans' Suppression Move


The Georgia Supreme Court unanimously rejected the state Republicans' attempt to bar early voting on Saturdays, when voters are off work and more likely to vote early. Early voting in 22 counties will begin this Saturday. The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports:

"The brief ruling by the state’s highest court Wednesday clears the way for the weekend voting opportunity in 22 counties that plan to open polling places two days after the Thanksgiving holiday. Early voting will be required statewide from Monday through Friday next week.

The decision is a victory in a lawsuit filed by Democratic U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock’s campaign as he’s trying to increase turnout ahead of a runoff against Republican Herschel Walker.

Opposition to Saturday voting came from the Georgia Republican Party, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the Republican National Committee, which had asked the court to prevent what it called 'illegal advance voting.' Republicans alleged that state law prohibited Saturday voting if a holiday was within two days beforehand." (our emphasis)

It's also worth noting that opposition came from not-a-hero Georgia Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger, who had provided guidance to counties telling them early voting on Saturday was not allowed, leading to the lawsuit.

The Republican attempt to tilt the voting in favor of their lying, hypocritical candidate Herschel "How Many Abortions" Walker is just part of their years-long attempt to gain advantage by restricting polling places in minority areas, shortening hours to disadvantage working people, limiting ballot drop boxes, and other things to make it harder to vote. This was their latest attempt to curtail voting that would favor Sen. Warnock, and it failed.

(photo: "V" for victory and Warnock. Team Warnock)

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