Thursday, February 16, 2023

QOTD -- Partial Georgia Grand Jury Findings

Quotes from a partial report (pdf) from the Georgia grand jury investigating efforts by the Malignant Loser and others to overturn his election loss in Georgia, ordered released by Fulton County Superior Court Judge Robert McBurney today (our emphasis):

“The grand jury heard extensive testimony on the subject of alleged election fraud from poll workers, investigators, technical experts, and State of Georgia employees and officials, as well as from persons still claiming that such fraud took place.  We find by a unanimous vote that no widespread fraud took place in the Georgia 2020 presidential election that could result in overturning that election.”


A majority of the grand jury believes that perjury may have been committed by one or more witnesses testifying before it.  The grand jury recommends that the district attorney seek appropriate indictments for such crimes where the evidence is compelling.”

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The grand jury's recommendations on potential charges remain under seal, "including what [Judge] McBurney has described as 'a roster of who should (or should not) be indicted, and for what, in relation to the conduct (and aftermath) of the 2020 general election in Georgia.'”  As the linked article goes on to explain:

[I]t remains unclear how quickly [Fulton County DA Fani] Willis could move to file charges — if that’s what she is planning to do. To charge someone, Willis would have to present her case to a regular grand jury that has the power to issue criminal indictments.

In Fulton County, grand jury terms begin every two months, with the latest panels seated early last month. Some have questioned whether Willis is already presenting her case — or whether she’ll wait until a new grand jury is seated in March because of legal rules that allow defendants to request a speedy trial within two months of the end of the term in which they are indicted.

 The wheels of justice ...

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