Thursday, February 16, 2023

Tweets Of The Day


Republican deregulation comes home to roost --

House Putin caucus member "Gym" Jordan protecting Russian bots -- 

Another day, same as yesterday and tomorrow -- 

She's really not running for President, she's running for Trump's VP  -- 


But then the Malignant Loser throws shade on Nikki --


Kidnapping Ukrainian children is a tool of terrorist Putin's Russia --  

Rep. Raskin wants answers on the Kushner / Saudi connection --

What's that Musk-y smell? Union busting -- 

"Sorry, we're out of fish today" --  



1 comment:

  1. Qatar bailed out the failing loan on the Kushner Companies’ property at 666 Fifth Avenue. Seen various figures but looks like at least $500 million. So much criming hard to keep track.
