Thursday, February 9, 2023

QOTD -- Trivial Pursuit


Excerpts from Rep. Jamie Raskin's (D-MD) statement at yesterday's House Oversight Committee hearing on Twitter's decision over two years ago not to link to pics on Hunter Biden's laptop for two days:

“Last night at the State of the Union address, over all the heckling, President Biden reviewed significant achievements his administration and congressional Democrats are delivering for the American people.... But this morning, we return not to focus on advancing this robust agenda of progress, but instead, to take up an authentically trivial pursuit, all based on the obsessive victimology of right-wing politics.”


“The majority has called a hearing to revisit a two-year-old story about the private editorial decision by Twitter not to allow links to a single New York Post article, made for a two-day period that had no discernible influence on anything or anyone.”


“Twitter’s deliberate indifference to Trump’s big lies and incitement, its decision to ignore the pleas of its own employees to deal with the impending explosion against our police and against Congress on January 6 are matters that require real investigation and reflection.”


Rather than conspiring to suppress right-wing MAGA speech, as my colleagues astonishingly claim, Twitter and other media companies knowingly facilitated Trump's spread of disinformation, or what his own sycophantic attorney general William Barr would come to call ‘bullshit,’ and gave voice to his followers’ glorification of violence and calls for civil war.”

Raskin also had to take time to school dimwit MAGAts like Marjorie Taylor Traitor Greene and "Landslide Lauren" Boebert on what the First Amendment meant in relation to a private media company like Twitter.  Elect clowns, expect a circus.

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