Saturday, April 15, 2023

QOTD -- At War


"I think the problem I have is that if we don't stick together — If you don't believe we're at war for our Republic — with all love and respect for you, you need a different job. The left want Tennessee so bad. Because, if they get us, the Southeast falls and it's game over for the Republic. This is not a neighborhood social gathering. We are fighting for the Republic of our country right now. And the world is staring at us. Are we gonna stand our ground?..."  -- feverish Republican State Rep. Scott Cepicky, in a leaked audio of a meeting of Tennessee House members doing an autopsy of the catastrophic ousting of "The Tennessee Three," as provided by Charles Pierce.  As Pierce noted, Cepicky's petite Patton oration "sought to steel his comrades against the onslaught of wokeness, inconsistent pronouns, and books about gay penguins." If these loons weren't in positions of power, their apocalyptic blurts would be strictly the stuff of parody.  Instead, they serve as yet another warning that a not- insignificant number of the people we share our country with are perfectly ok with having a Second Civil War in order to cleanse it of all the said wokesters, globalists, LGTBQs, gun- grabbers, etc. (representing a majority) standing in the way of their American Gilead.

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