Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Republican Divorce Docket: The Boeberts Split


Following the announcement last fall that cheating radical right-wing gym rat Rep. Marjorie Traitor Greene's (Insurrection -GA) husband was divorcing her, we were sad...sad! see that fellow gun- humping loon Rep. Lauren "Bobo" Boebert (Insurrection-CO) filed for divorce against her husband of 18 years recently. Here are some details from the Colorado Sun:

"The divorce petition, claiming the Boeberts’ marriage is 'irretrievable broken,' was filed on April 25 in Mesa County court, according to documents reviewed Tuesday by The Colorado Sun.

The initial filing includes a request by Boebert that she be granted child support and given parental decision-making power for their children, who were listed as sharing an address with her in Silt."

You may recall some of their romantic story:

"Boebert detailed her relationship with Jayson, 42, in her book, 'My American Life.' She wrote that she was 16 and working at Burger King when she met her future husband and 'fell in love … immediately.'

Maybe he fell in love with the burger smell, but go on: 

'Four months after we met, Jayson and I went off to get married,' Boebert wrote, explaining that the couple was turned away in Las Vegas because Boebert was too young. 'For any ‘Karen’ who may be reading this, Jayson and I broke no Colorado laws with our relationship, despite what you might be thinking.'”

Okay, sounds a bit defensive. So what laws did Jayson break?

"Jayson Boebert pleaded guilty to public indecency and lewd exposure after allegedly exposing himself to two girls at a bowling alley in January 2004. In her book, Boebert wrote that Jayson never displayed his genitals, but that he 'acted like he was going to unzip his pants.'”

Riiiight, cool story Bobo. So how did Jayson receive the news of his wife's divorce filing?

"In court documents, a process server said that when he tried to serve Jayson with the divorce documents on April 25 he 'was extremely angry.'

'I tried to hand him the documents but (he) did not take them,' the server wrote. 'He started yelling and using profanities and told me that I was trespassing.'”

The good people of Colorado may want to stay clear of any confrontations between the Boeberts, who like to wave guns around. They could go from divorce court to criminal court pretty quickly.

(photo: Don't ask where that thumb's been. Colorado Pols Twitter) 

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