Thursday, May 4, 2023

Trump Offering No Defense In Rape Trial (UPDATED)


With E. Jean Carroll's defamation and rape case producing strong evidence against him, the Malignant Loser has decided not to call a single witness or put up a defense. In a civil case like this, the jury may infer that offering no defense suggests the defendant's guilt. Meanwhile, the sexual predator is trying to distract attention by visiting his golf properties in Scotland and Ireland, saying to a reporter "I hear we're doing very well in New York." If by "doing very well" he means "losing," then, yes, the Malignant Loser's goombah attorney Joseph Tacopina has been giving his client accurate information.

Over the past several days, the jury has heard not only Ms. Carroll's compelling testimony about the rape and what's happened to her since, but the testimony of two contemporary witnesses who said Carroll told them of the rape soon after it happened, two victims of sexual assault by the Malignant Loser, and a clinical psychologist who explained Ms. Carroll's reaction to the rape and aftermath as a normal trauma response, especially for someone of her generation. Her attorneys played the infamous "Access Hollywood" / "grab them by the pussy" tape, as well as portions of his deposition from last fall, including where he mistook a photo of Ms. Carroll for his second wife, Marla Maples, destroying his contention that Ms. Carroll wasn't his "type."

Closing arguments are expected to begin Monday, with Tacopina expected to continue to tear into Ms. Carroll's credibility. It's a pity that her attorneys won't be able to do the same to the Malignant Loser.

UPDATE:  The Malignant Loser now says he's coming back to New York to "confront" Carroll.  No doubt this will not take place in the courtroom where he would be put under oath and be cross- examined, but likely in front of a bank of cameras, where he would be free to lie his big ass off.

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