Saturday, June 17, 2023

A "Lose-Lose" Middle East Gambit?


Sometimes, our frustration with the Biden Administration's Middle East policies leads us to wonder if there's any rhyme or reason to it. We had four miserable years of a photo op foreign policy, with the Malignant Loser dancing with Saudi princes, warmly embracing murderous Kim Jong-Un, acting as the Washington rep for Russian war criminal Vladimir Putin, and more, with nothing but a tarnished U.S. image to show for it. Now, the New York Times reports that Secretary of State Antony Blinken has been on a "long shot" mission to have Saudi Arabia and Israel establish diplomatic relations. On the face of it, that sounds worthy, but the price to pay is likely going to be too much for both sides, with the U.S. effort setting up for failure right before the 2024 elections:

"The United States is now in the midst of complex negotiations among three leaders who have their own reasons for a deal but are making demands that might prove to be too costly. And they simply do not much like or trust each other.

Several senior American officials said the chances of a deal could be less than 50 percent, and Mr. Blinken said he had 'no illusions' the path to a deal would be quick. Still, a normalization of relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel would be one of the most dramatic events in a continued realignment of the Middle East, and could reap benefits for leaders of both countries, as well as President Biden, who faces re-election next year."

Ah, yes, dramatic! Stop for a moment and ask yourselves whether either Crown Prince Mohammed bin "Bone Saw" Salman or Bibi "Bomb Bomb" Netanyahu want to do Biden any favors before the 2024 elections, given their obvious preference for the Malignant Loser. Bone Saw would love to jerk Biden around a couple of more times if he can. Also, the murderous Saudi regime wants the flow of U.S. military hardware to increase and to be able to enrich uranium ostensibly for civilian nuclear energy, something that Israel and the U.S. have opposed in the past for good reason. 

With the Saudis moving closer to China and Russia, and with their reestablishment of relations with Iran, coupled with Netanyahu's move toward authoritarian rule in Israel, the Biden Administration may think this "long shot" gambit will end in a "win". However with the timing and the players involved, and his reelection not a sure thing, Biden should be wary of "long shot" deals with authoritarian foreign leaders who don't wish him well. 

BONUS: Blinken's heading to China in a weak position after months of asking for a meeting and China rejecting one.

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