Thursday, June 22, 2023

QOTD -- "Who Are You Holding Accountable?"


"... Boy, is Adam Schiff powerful. He can at once be the chairman of the Intelligence Committee, the special counsel investigating Donald Trump, manage and run the FBI, and be a judge ruling on FISA [foreign intelligence] applications.

“It is remarkable that he, from his perch in Congress, can do all of that. Of course, he didn’t do any of that ― all he did was properly impeach the president of the United States for his gross abuse of power. [snip]

“One of my colleagues says ‘We will hold members accountable.’ You are the party of George Santos. Who are you holding accountable?  The guy is an alleged and acknowledged liar and indicted. And you protect him every day. Don’t lecture us with your projection and your defense of Donald Trump. It’s pathetic. And it’s beneath you, and it’s beneath this body...." -- Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY), on the House floor yesterday, giving the Republican/ Seditionist/ Shooters Party a dose of reality prior to the party line vote 213-209 censuring Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) for pointing out the Malignant Loser's collusion with Russia during the 2016 campaign (and for being the lead trial manager for the Malignant Loser's first impeachment). Trying mightily to distract from the multiple- felony indictments (and more to come) for their cult leader, the censure motion was brought up by newly- minted MAGAt Rep. Anna Paulina "Loon" Luna (GQP- FL) and supported by the Malignant Loser himself, who threatened the spineless lickspittles in the Republican caucus with a primary opponent if they didn't go along with the censure (six Republicans voted "present"). Thus did they once again empower their cult leader, who's seeking revenge on anyone who stood up to him during his catastrophic years in office.  

Speaking of censure, how about the 139 House Republicans who voted against certification of the 2020 election results (a.k.a, the "coup caucus").  We await their censure for violating the Constitution and attempting to overthrow the results of a free and fair election. Of course, censure should be the least sanction applied to these seditionists.

Next up: Grandma Boebert's impeachment resolution (see below).  Elect clowns, expect a circus.

BONUS:  Here's Rep. Schiff's timeless response to the hypocritical cowards --



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