Thursday, June 22, 2023

RFK Jr. Shows Moscow Some Love

Many know Democratic candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., not only by his famous name, but by his crackpot views on vaccinations, which during the COVID pandemic, perhaps caused countless people who listened to him to avoid vaccines and contract COVID. He also has a history of spouting pro-Kremlin propaganda, under the cover of being the "peace candidate." In the case of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Kennedy said yesterday that Russia "acted in good faith" in invading Ukraine, and that the U.S. and Ukrainian President Zelensky sabotaged Russia's bogus "peace" efforts. He's tried to tie his positions on Russia with that of President Kennedy, something that strains credulity, and asked whether we want to remain "stuck in a self-righteous story in which America is categorically good and our opponents are irredeemably evil." That false choice is one which our opponents want to present to the American people through Kennedy. Opposing Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine (which Kennedy claims he does) is not "self-righteous" but righteous. 

Kennedy is being promoted by the fascistic right in this country, including the likes of Steve "Loose Cannon" Bannon, gutter snipe Roger Stone, and pro-Putin QAnon nut Michael Flynn, as a spoiler who see their cult leader's Presidential hopes riding on peeling votes from President Biden in 2024, even though Kennedy's positions are usually diametrically opposed by Democrats. He needs to be soundly beaten in whatever Democratic primaries he's able to enter, and his pretense to being a "Democrat" needs to come to an end.

(photo: Getty Images)


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