Saturday, August 26, 2023

Quotes Of The Day -- The Demagogue-In-Waiting


"He thinks the climate crisis is a hoax, supports Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Ukraine and would gladly pardon Donald Trump on day 1 of his would-be presidency. A wealthy biotech entrepreneur, the 38-year-old has never before run for public office.

"Despite all of this (or maybe because of it), this week’s Republican debate became a national coming-out party for Vivek Ramaswamy.

"Suddenly, this inexperienced and dangerous showoff is almost a household name..."  -- The Guardian's  Margaret Sullivan on Vivek "Ramasmarmy" Ramaswamy, "America's Demagogue-in-Waiting," and his performance at the Republican "debate" in Milwaukee this past Wednesday.


In her op/ed, she references The Bulwark's Charlie Sykes' take on Ramasmarmy. Here's his salient quote:

"Vivek is a facile, clownish, shallow, shameless, pandering demagogue, but he is exactly what GOP voters crave these days. So, he will likely get a bump in the polls, at least in the short-run.

"Last night, Vivek was Trumpier than Trump. He touched all the erogenous zones of the MAGAverse with a fluency and zeal unmatched by anyone on the stage, from his anti-Ukraine memes to his fawning praise of the absent God King..."

We have to hope that, however much this grinning, facile "ChatGPT" demagogue appeals to the MAGAt lizard brain, he repulses everyone else for the reasons Sullivan and Sykes lay out.  Since they're deathly afraid of attacking the Malignant Loser directly, the rest of the pygmies running should compensate by training fire on this dangerous MAGA vessel.

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