Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Space Command Stays In Colorado; Sorry Not Sorry Alabama!



The Malignant Loser giveth, and President Biden taketh away:

President Biden has decided against relocating the headquarters of U.S. Space Command to Alabama, senior officials said Monday, upending a controversial decision by his predecessor as the Trump administration was coming to an end.

The organization, overseen by a four-star general, was to be moved from Peterson Air Force Base, outside of Colorado Springs, to Redstone Arsenal, an Army installation in Huntsville, Ala. Biden decided that doing so would be too disruptive to military readiness, officials said, siding with Colorado lawmakers who have protested the plan for more than two years.

Critics had said that the Trump administration’s decision was rushed through as the former president left office and appeared intended to reward a deeply conservative state by moving an influential military headquarters out of one that leans Democratic. The command, and its estimated 1,400 jobs, is expected to yield nearly $1 billion in annual economic spending, officials in Colorado have said previously...

There's no reason Alabama -- a state that's been going backward ever since it entered the Union -- should have been considered, given its troglodyte policies toward reproductive health for women, its determination to strip black voters of their franchise, etc., except that all of that is in the MAGAt mainstream, and the Malignant Loser wanted to reward the peckerwoods.  Colorado, on the other hand, blue and progressive.  Even if this isn't a politically- motivated move, the impression that it might be provides a pleasant jolt of schadenfreude;  maybe Democrats can play the same tit- for- tat game the MAGAts like to play all the time.  Sweet home, Colorado!

BONUS: Military promotion-blocking Sen. Tommy Tuberville (White Supremacist-AL) is unhappy. Good!

(Image:  U.S. Space Command logo;  there's a reason those lines intersect over Colorado!)


seafury said...

In the MAGAtoverse, those are all excellent reasons to reward Alabama with the Space Force. The only problem I see is according to Jesus, there isn't outer space.

W. Hackwhacker said...

Seafury -- yes, but there is a lot of inner space between the ears of Alabama Republicans!