Monday, September 18, 2023

Boebert's "Beetlejuice" Booting


Comedian Brent Terhune, who seems up on white trash, has thoughts about ultra-MAGAt Rep. Lauren "Blobert" Boebert and her fondler being kicked out of a production of "Beetlejuice" last week for various offenses, which he gladly enumerates.  Funny stuff.


BONUS"Blobert" may have violated a public indecency local ordinance concerning her mutual groping of her companion.  Sadly, though, it's unlikely that she would be prosecuted.

1 comment:

Cleora Borealis said...

All of Terhune's musical theater references are brilliant! And, he deserves an honorary Tony Award for going all the way back to "Our Town" for a Jason Aldean update!! Thornton Wilder would be thrilled!!