Saturday, October 14, 2023

QOTD -- A Feature, Not A Bug


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog tells us why the dysfunctional clown show being put on by House Republicans is just fine with their MAGAt base:

... The problem with comparing the contemporary Republican Party to other fascist or fascist-leaning parties is that the Republican Party -- like much of the American public -- doesn't want the government to function efficiently. Remember Ronald Reagan's dictum: Government is not the solution to our problem, government is the problem. If you believe that, as nearly all Republicans do (as well as many non-Republicans), you might not believe that it's imperative to throw sand in the gears of government, but you certainly don't believe it's a bad thing when the gears become inoperably sandy.

Americans who believe Reagan's simple-minded pronouncements about government are rarely consistent -- they want the government to punish street criminals and immigrants, as well as women seeking abortions and sexual minorities -- but apart from that, they assume we'd all be better off if government weren't fuctioning at all ... or at least that's what they believe until they have problem getting VA healthcare or going to a national park. But even then they cling to the principle that government is bad (and government under a Democratic president is worse), so the current leadership struggles of the House GOP won't turn them against Republicans. The fact that Republicans can't run the government is a feature, not a bug, for much of the country.

A corollary to all of this is that you don't have to be a nihilistic moron to be a Republican, but it sure helps.


seafury said...

Couldn't agree more. But part of this is they want their part of gummint to function. their SS and Medicare has to function, but their neighbor's, especially the guy across the street, the guy in the wheelchair, he didn't earn his. And don't get me started about that messican family that moved in a few years ago. They can claim they're citizens she's a teacher and he works for the city, but I know different. That's why I vote Rethuglican.....

W. Hackwhacker said...

Seafury -- precisely.