Thursday, October 12, 2023

QOTD -- Ignorant Or Abusive?


Fulton County DA Fani Willis isn't taking shit from MAGAt Rep. Jim "Gym" Jordan, the dimbulb who's trying to scuttle her election interference case against the Malignant Loser.  This is an excerpt in which she responds to Gym's letter of September 27 (pdf):

"...A charitable explanation of your correspondence is that you are ignorant of the United States and Georgia Constitutions and codes. A more troubling explanation is that you are abusing your authority as Chairman of the Committee on the Judiciary to attempt to obstruct and interfere with a Georgia criminal prosecution. See O.C.G.A. § 16-10-24. Indeed, you confessed to this motivation on Mark Levin’s September 10, 2023, show: when discussing one of my office’s active prosecutions, you boasted, “We’re trying to get all the answers, but we’re trying to stop this stuff as well” (emphasis added).' While you may enjoy immunity under the United States Constitution’s Speech or Debate Clause, that does not make your behavior any less offensive to the rule of law..."

Gym (a.k.a., "a dog in a man suit") knows something about abuse of power and obstruction, having earned his nickname for his role in ignoring multiple claims of sexual abuse by a team doctor when he coached wrestling at =gag= "The" Ohio State University.  "Gym" got 99 votes from his ugly, feral Republican coup caucus nominating him to be Speaker, only to lose (at least for the moment) to "David Duke without the baggage" Rep. Steve Scalise.  

Americans need to put an end to this embarrassing clown show in November 2024.

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