Saturday, October 21, 2023

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


The Malignant Loser determined to blow up the Speaker's race -- 

And he's getting lots of help from inside the House -- 


Cynical hack Rep. Elise Stefanik has the kiss of death. Please kiss the Malignant Loser. --


Anti-Semitic disinformation surging on social media platforms -- 

Malignant Loser's racketeering trial building momentum as allies flip -- 

An anniversary and a foreshadowing --  


That look on Thomas' face says, "Ethics, hell. I earned those bribes." -- 

Hamas isn't the only terrorist entity that kidnaps children. Slava Ukraini ! -- 

Creative use of space. "Can you not do that when I'm showering?!" -- 


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