Saturday, October 21, 2023

QOTD -- Terrorists And Tyrants


"...The terrorist group Hamas unleashed pure, unadulterated evil in the world.  But sadly, the Jewish people know, perhaps better than anyone, that there is no limit to the depravity of people when they want to inflict pain on others.  
"In Israel, I saw a people who are strong, determined, resilient, and also angry, in shock, and in deep, deep pain.
"I also spoke with President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority and reiterated that the United States remains committed to the Palestinian people’s right to dignity and to self-determination.  The actions of Hamas terrorists don’t take that right away
. [snip]

"I know we have our divisions at home.  We have to get past them.  We can’t let petty, partisan, angry politics get in the way of our responsibilities as a great nation.
"We cannot and will not let terrorists like Hamas and tyrants like Putin win.  I refuse to let that happen.
.." -- President Biden in his Address to the Nation, October 20. As Biden pointed out, the terrorism of Hamas and the terrorism of Putin in Ukraine have the common element of wanting to destroy neighboring democracies.  America and countries around the world are seeing threats to democracies, both internal and external.  That's the great struggle and demarcation of this era -- democracies (however imperfect and fragile) versus fascistic regimes and movements, like Putin's Russia and Hamas, which often don't represent the will or best interests of the people they rule.

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