Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Kate Cox Leaves Texas For Life-Saving Abortion

The Christofascist forced- birthers ruling Texas Gilead have driven Kate Cox out of the state, where she will have to get a potentially life- saving abortion:

Kate Cox, a Dallas-area woman who petitioned a judge to get an abortion in Texas, has left the state for abortion care after a week of legal whiplash.

The Texas Supreme Court late Friday night temporarily blocked a lower-court ruling that would have allowed Cox to get an abortion under the state’s near-total abortion ban, and later on Monday night, reversed the lower court’s decision.

Cox, a 31-year-old mother of two, had sought an abortion after learning that her fetus had a fatal genetic condition and that carrying the pregnancy to term could jeopardize her future fertility. The case is the first instance of an adult pregnant woman asking a court for permission to terminate her pregnancy under an abortion ban since Roe v. Wade was decided in 1973.

Here's what the Republican Texas Supreme Court had to say:

“Any parent would be devastated to learn of their unborn child’s Trisomy 18 diagnosis,” the Texas Supreme Court wrote. “Some difficulties in pregnancy, however, even serious ones, do not pose the heightened risks to the mother the exception encompasses.”

Here's the professional advice these Republican rats- in- robes ignored:

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the leading professional association for OB/GYNs, emphasized the risks Cox faced in an amicus brief filed with the court on Monday.

“In addition to this devastating diagnosis, Ms. Cox is facing additional risk factors,” according to the group. “If Ms. Cox is forced to carry her pregnancy to term, her risk factors again intensify.”

If this case doesn't put the lie to claims that these are "pro- life" politicians, we don't know what would.

(Image:  Kate Cox and corrupt Texas AG Paxton)


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