Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Giuliani About To Be Undone By Defamation Suit (UPDATED)

Disgraced and deranged Trump consigliere Rudy "Toot Toot" Giuliani appeared in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C., yesterday for the damages phase of the defamation suit brought by Georgia election workers Ruby Freeman and her daughter Shaye Moss. Judge Beryl Howell has already ruled that Giuliani defamed the two in the aftermath of the 2020 election in Georgia, falsely and publicly accusing them repeatedly of tampering with ballots to benefit President Biden. The scotch-soaked Giuliani could face from $15.5 to $43 million in compensatory damages:

"Michael J. Gottlieb, a lawyer for Ms. Freeman and Ms. Moss, who are mother and daughter, said Mr. Giuliani’s false accusations led to a 'campaign of defamation and emotional terror' against them. He said the women had to move out of their homes for safety and security because of the thousands of threats that followed.

'Their names have become synonymous with crime, cheating and fraud,' Mr. Gottlieb said in his opening statement. 'How much is somebody’s reputation worth?'

The women’s lawyers showed the jury social media posts, laden with expletives, racial slurs, accusations of treason and threats, some calling for them to be lynched."  (our emphasis)

Giuliani has been financially diminished by lawsuits and legal bills, so it's problematic what Ms. Freeman and Ms. Moss could collect from the lying old lizard, but the jury should shoot for the maximum in any case. 

In a buffonish side note, Giuliani, 20 minutes late, was standing in the security check line when Judge Howell had a court official retrieve him. Then this happened:



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