Monday, December 4, 2023

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


The Malignant Loser's farcical projection --



... and his encouragement of Black voter suppression --


The 100% political Biden impeachment, sponsored by the 100% political Clinton impeachment ratfucker --



🚨 Don't mistake Christian nationalists for normal people --



Don't mistake Jonathan Turdley for a legal scholar --



Don't buy Bibi's proposal --


He's not very Swift-ie --



If you want Satanic, though ... --



It's so crazy, it just might work --




1 comment:

  1. Whoa! I don't usually pay much attention to James Carville, but when he starts lecturing me with a ruler upside my head, I sit up straight! I have now read the "The Syllabus of Errors" (Pope Pius IX, 1864) as should we all! Pius directly slaps the U.S. Founding Fathers because they had the human audacity to challenge the cruel stranglehold his fairy tales had on so much of the world!! Many thanks to you and Carville for revealing the playbook so we can better defend this country!!
