Monday, December 4, 2023

Behind Trump's Threat To Repeal "Obamacare"

The Malignant Loser has always been envious of and hateful toward former President Obama. From his days of promoting the odious birther claims against Obama, to his relentless campaign to terminate Obama's signature domestic policy achievement, the Affordable Care Act or "Obamacare", the Malignant Loser has a vengeful attitude toward his predecessor. Some have even suggested that Obama's ridicule of the Malignant Loser at the 2011 White House Correspondents Dinner prompted him to run for President in 2016. His innate racism has been on display going back decades when he was a self-promoting real estate hustler in New York City, as evidenced in the Central Park Five injustice, and his company's redlining of minority renters in New York City during the 1970s.  

Dean Obeidallah has an opinion piece on that explores the reasons behind the Malignant Loser's insistent attempts to destroy his predecessor's achievement, which he tried and failed to do in his four miserable years in the Oval Office:

"First, he believes going after the signature achievement of President Obama plays well with his base. The ACA has the support of nearly 60% of Americans, so it might seem an unlikely target of political attack — except for the fact that Obama was extremely unpopular with the GOP base. [snip]

Second, Trump has long appeared obsessed with attacking — and if at all possible undoing — Obama’s legacy.

When Obama left office in January 2017, a CNN poll showed him with a 60% approval rating, landing him near the top of the list of presidential approval ratings upon leaving office. In contrast, Trump left office with a 34% approval rating — the lowest of his term. Those numbers must stick in the craw of a braggadocious man who has always seemed obsessed with being the biggest and the best. [snip]

But there’s another, deeply unsettling possible motive: A racial component may be at play in Trump’s attacks on the legacy of the first Black president.

Some pundits have long expressed the view that Trump often appears to be driven by racism and that a similar motivation may be part of the thinking of his MAGA followers. Trump understands his base better than any of us and — as a master of political divisiveness — he surely knows that attacking Obama will please his supporters."  (our emphasis)

Obeidallah's column is well worth reading, and looks at the Malignant Loser's history of racism and demagoguery in a fuller context. The fact that he doesn't have an alternative replacement for Obama's Affordable Care Act is the clearest sign that he never had anything, and, once again, this is all about his petty grievances and bigotry at the expense of millions of Americans needing affordable health care.


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