Saturday, January 13, 2024

QOTD: "He Was Bragging About It"

Two days ago, the Malignant Loser appeared on a Fox "town hall" / ass kisser, and ended up getting an audience question about taking money from foreign governments, including the $8 million in bribes from China that his properties raked in. Appearing on MSNBC, Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) was asked by host Chris Hayes about the Malignant Loser's response to the question about bribes that he took from China to the tune of almost $8 million dollars:

"'No, he was bragging about it. His narcissism always interferes with his legal defenses. But he openly embraced it and said he did a lot for that money. And indeed, he did.

"If you read our report, you will see how he basically killed an investigation in sanctions against ICBC, the Chinese state-owned company that was renting space from him, and paying him lots and lots of money, hundreds of thousands of dollars. Everybody knows the way he covered up for the homicidal crown prince of Saudi Arabia, who also was spending hundreds of thousands of dollars a year at Trump's hotels, golf courses, and so on. And of course, the big payoff came later with the $2 billion to his son-in-law, to Jared Kushner.'" (our emphasis)

The Emoluments Clause of the Constitution was always a problem for the Malignant Loser, whose lifetime of dealings in the bribe-heavy world of real estate and construction taught him that the hand is always out for a wheel-greasing payment. There's now a partial accounting for some of his bribe-taking, although the MAGA Congress has shut down any further look into the Malignant Loser's violation of his trust -- and the law --  by taking foreign payments through his business. 

(photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images)


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