Saturday, January 13, 2024

Sentencing The Insurrectionists: The Choirboy Tool

Yesterday, Proud Boy insurrectionist and member of the J6 prison choir William Chrestman was sentenced to 55 months in prison for his violent actions during the Trumpist insurrection on January 6. The Kansas seditionist was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Timothy Kelly, a Trump appointee who is known for giving lighter sentences to the January 6 insurrectionists. 

From the Washington Post's account:

"Chrestman stood out among rioters. He was a tall, bearded man who brought tactical gear, a helmet, gas mask and hard knuckle gloves. And he thanked followers 'for helping us — Proud Boys' as he moved with members of the far-right group who marked themselves with orange tape.

He was also notable as one of the lower ranking 'tools' who prosecutors claimed were used by four Proud Boys leaders — including Henry “Enrique” Tarrio and others convicted of seditious conspiracy — to spearhead the attack. [snip]

Holding a wooden club with an American flag attached that he bought after he learned he could not bring a firearm to D.C., Chrestman repeatedly waved rioters forward and urged them to stop arrests. He threatened and pursued retreating police officers and interfered with a security barrier that would have sealed the Capitol basement, according to court filings.

Chrestman bragged in a call he recorded later about how 'cops were legitimately scared' for their lives." (our emphasis)

This s.o.b. came to the Capitol prepared for armed combat. Unrepentant following his arrest and jailing, he joined his fellow insurrectionists in the D.C. jail in a choir that recorded songs that the Malignant Loser would play at his cult's rallies. He needs to be sent with his fellow Proud Boys to a tough Federal Prison where his singing talents won't be appreciated.

(photo: Chrestman holding an ax handle and inciting the crowd. Department of Justice)

1 comment:

  1. "Holding a wooden club with an American flag attached that he bought after he learned he could not bring a firearm to D.C." Could it be that gun laws are a deterrent for even the most violent among us? Let's have more gun laws and find out for sure!! ✊
