Tuesday, January 23, 2024

QOTD: On MAGA Petulance And Insecurity


Amanda Marcotte, writing in Salon.com, about the perpetual MAGA grievance machine perfected by the Malignant Loser, and bobbled by the vanquished Ron "Meatball" DeSantis:

"It's always wild hearing MAGA millionaires and billionaires curse the 'elite,' a group that is mostly composed of people who make a lot less money than they do: adjunct college professors, freelance writers, creative professionals, and progressive activists. But it makes more sense when viewed in light of the intellectual insecurities of people like DeSantis. 'Liberal elite' is just a gussied-up way of complaining about being rejected by the Cool Kids. It's channeling rage at people who think you can't be that smart if you got beat by a guy who keeps forgetting Barack Obama is not the president

That's the great irony in this: DeSantis and his ilk imagine they are fierce warriors sticking it to a 'liberal elite' who shunned them. In reality, though, they are just submitting to Trump, an imbecilic bully who responds to self-important book-readers by shoving their heads in toilets. Petty authoritarians like DeSantis and Musk set out to show those liberals who's boss, by running for president or buying Twitter. All too often, however, their efforts end in even more pointing and laughing from the same people who already make them feel inadequate."  (our emphasis)

DeSantis' pathetic endorsement of the man who slandered and defamed him and his wife over the past year puts him among the "fierce warriors" like Ted "Cancun" Cruz, Marco "Li'l Marco" Rubio and others who prove to be insecure cowards with no principles or character behind their tough talk.


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