Tuesday, February 13, 2024

More Trump Nepotism

It's no surprise that the Malignant Loser likes nepotism. He brought his lusted-after daughter Ivanka and her grifting husband Jared into the White House to push through trademarks for themselves and gather petrodollars from the Middle East to feather their nests, amounting to hundreds of millions. That doesn't include Jared's parting gift of $2 billion from the Saudis for shilling for them.

Now, wanting to cement his takeover of the Republican / Forced Birth/ Shooters Party, the Malignant Loser has picked his fanatically loyal team to replace feckless outgoing chair Ronna Romney McDaniel and it's led by daughter-in-law and frequent Fux Channel talking head Lara Trump, as Politico reports:

"Former President Donald Trump will support North Carolina GOP Chair Michael Whatley to succeed Ronna McDaniel as the leader of the Republican National Committee, according to a Republican operative familiar with Trump’s decision. [snip]

In addition to the Whatley nod, Trump will also support Lara Trump, the former president’s daughter-in-law, to serve as the RNC’s co-chairwoman. Lara Trump has long been an on-air surrogate for the ex-president, and during the 2022 campaign was briefly mentioned as a possible North Carolina Senate candidate." (our emphasis)

While the duo will have to be elected by members of the Republican National Committee, it's a foregone conclusion that whatever and whomever the Malignant Loser wants, the party members will click their heels and obey as all members of an authoritarian cult are expected to do. We can expect his daughter-in-law to enforce loyalty to their Orange Jeebus not only in the coming year, but perhaps in many years to come at the RNC. Just like they do in banana republics. 

(photo:  Lara Trump warming up the crowd for sugar daddy. Melissa Sue Gerrits via Getty Images)


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