Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Kushner's Foreign Deals Raise Questions

A report in the New York f-ing Times this morning looks at the foreign business dealings of the Malignant Loser's son-in-law, the unctious scammer Jared Kushner. Affinity Partners, Kushner's private equity company, is eyebrows deep in foreign money from some shady operators with an apparent desire to curry favor with the ex-President's family. From the article:

"Jared Kushner’s investment fund is not especially large by global finance standards. But as he gets it fully up and running, each step is bringing with it ethical issues that would only grow if his father-in-law, Donald J. Trump, should win another term as president.

His $3 billion fund is financed almost entirely from overseas investors with whom he worked when he served as a senior adviser in the Trump White House. He has taken money from government wealth funds in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, as well as from Terry Gou, a founder of Foxconn, the Taiwan-based electronics manufacturer, whose role in Mr. Kushner’s firm has not been previously disclosed.

In total, 99 percent of the money placed with him by investors has come from foreign sources, according to a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission in late March."  (our emphasis)

The report goes on to note that former government officials who have established companies dealing with foreign governments after leaving Government service are stunned at the magnitude of the transactions the entitled son-in-law has made. One was quoted as saying "he could recall no precedent for a government official leaving office and starting an investment firm that would immediately receive billions of dollars from foreign governments with which the official had been working while serving in government."

It's a fertile ground for investigation for corruption and insider dealing for the next, Democratic Congress to pursue.

(photo: Getty Images)

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