Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Birdbrain* Will Vote For Buffoon


In the least surprising news of the campaign season so far, lightweight careerist Nikki Haley says she'll vote for the Malignant Loser/ Don Snoreleone.

Here's what she said about her choice in January after her choice showed some signs of dementia:

“Last night, Trump is at a rally and he’s going on and on mentioning me several times as to why I didn’t take security during the Capitol riots. Why I didn’t handle January 6 better. I wasn’t even in DC on January 6. I wasn’t in office then.” 

Here's what she said about her choice in February after her choice mocked the absence of her deployed husband (our emphasis)

“In that moment, he showed that with that kind of disrespect for the military, he’s not qualified to be the president of the United States, because I don’t trust him to protect them."

Well she didn't "kiss the ring," but she ended up kissing the ass.

That's more than enough time to spend on this shallow, common twit who values her political future more than that of her country.  Here's hoping the people who voted for her have more integrity and guts than she does.

BONUSMore quotes from Birdbrain on the Malignant Loser here.


* The Malignant Loser's name for Haley.

(Photo:  the happy couple / Olivier Douliery, AFP via Getty Images)


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