Thursday, May 23, 2024

QOTD: "Ambition Incarnate"


The regulars on MSNBC this morning torched the cynical, opportunistic decision of Nikki "Birdbrain" Haley to announce she was voting for the Malignant Loser / Orange Turd. Political horse race guy John Heilemann:

"She came right up to the edge of making the critiques that never-Trump, that progressive Democrats and never-Trump Republicans have made. Those are existential arguments, those are not about any policy. They're about, this man is not fit to serve, this man is a threat to democracy – all of that, she was right in that zone. Then to retreat to policy is so craven and cynical. I think, what we have learned about her, the most cynical, the most negative critical people about Nikki Haley have always said, she is ambition incarnate – you cannot believe a word out of her mouth. She'll say whatever, and change her mind from Monday to Wednesday, Wednesday to Thursday. [snip]

This month, now there's still 20 percent of Republicans in the primaries still voting for her. They must not let her in November – let me just say, what they can't let her do is, if Trump loses in November, stand up and say, 'Oh, I told you so.' She forfeits the right to say, 'I told you so, and I was always against Donald Trump.' She's now back on the Trump train, and there has got to be some accountability for that politically going forward."  (our emphasis)

She's now adopting the dishonest, overblown rhetoric of the Malignant Loser in talking about the "disaster" President Biden has been, notwithstanding the booming economy, stronger international alliances against authoritarianism, and more. She had a choice to keep her vote private, but chose to signal her followers that it was acceptable for them to switch to the Malignant Loser. 

During the MAGA primaries, the Malignant Loser denigrated Haley and her qualifications, usually referring to her as "Birdbrain," which we now feel free to use since she apparently has no problem bending her knee to the person who kept calling her that.

BONUS:  For a pitch- perfect satiric take, check out Madeline Goetz's piece at McSweeney's.

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