Thursday, May 2, 2024

Outside Agitators Spotted On DC Campus


Yesterday, a group of far-right MAGAt Congresscritters cynically descended on the campus of George Washington University in Washington, D.C., to taunt the peaceful encampment of pro- Palestinian demonstrators, likely in an attempt to provoke them to violence. Among these outside agitators was the infamous theater groper Rep. Lauren "Bobo" Boebert (Insurrection - CO), who grabbed a bullhorn and was promptly drowned out by students chanting "Beetlejuice," in reference to the play she and her handsy date were supposed to be watching in a Denver theater last September. Boebert, who is in a tough primary race in her new Colorado district, was caught on camera vaping and stroking the crotch of her date as he groped her. The trashy Boebert's son and ex-husband have both had run-ins with law enforcement recently (family values!).

While Boebert was screeching into the bullhorn, a student managed to get behind her and hold a hand-made sign with "Beetlejuice" on it. Who says these students don't expertly troll?

(photo: "Beetlejuice" sign -- top right -- greets Bobo. Allison Bailey via Getty Images)


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