Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Worth A Thousand Words


The camera often captures a moment that explains so much, whether it's a mood or another internal feeling. Body language also comes into play. We came across two photos taken at different times and different places which appear to show a similar power dynamic at play (click to enlarge):

Trump and Putin after their notorious one-on-one meeting in Helsinki, Finland, 2018.

Trump and Melanie Melania at a recent Merdo O' Lardo fund raiser.

The Malignant Loser appears submissive and nervous in both photos, one that shows war criminal Putin smiing, and the other that shows Melania scowling. Michael Cohen's testimony in yesterday's court appearance that he lied about the communications between Trump and Russia over a Trump Tower Moscow deal might explain what was at stake for Trump in the Helsinki meeting. Trump's long and salacious hush money / election interference trial where evidence was produced about his affair with Stormy Daniels, while Melania was caring for their infant son, has apparently registered with his chilly wife.

Helping to elect the Malignant Loser was Putin's crowning intelligence coup, successful beyond his wildest dreams. Sanctions on Russia -- which Trump tried to soften -- were the only thing keeping Putin from fulfilling his end of the bargain. Melania's part of the bargain with the Malignant Loser likely has the same root: money and lots of it.


1 comment:

  1. That's just what he wants you to think. Those are pics of Trump owning the moment. Just like
    the trial.
