From a discussion this morning on MSNBC, Joe Scarborough has had enough of those New York Times / Sienna polls that consistently show the Malignant Loser with a big lead in key states, polls that are outliers and are questioned by experts about the methodology:
"That keeps happening every month when this comes out and then about two weeks later after the residue of the New York Times/Siena poll leaves, people go, 'Oh, I think Joe Biden is on a winning streak. And then two weeks later it comes out again and it's garbage it's an outlier. And yes, the New York Times, when they have all of these experts questioning the methodology, when they are calling 20 percent of the people likely voters who had never voted before or didn't vote in the last two primaries or never voted before, when they are even quoting people who say they are switching their vote from Joe Biden who have never voted before? I'm sorry! The New York Times has to know what they are doing! " (our emphasis)
The argument is that the New York F-ing Times is using garbage numbers to create stories that drive the news cycle and interest in the paper's coverage. There's also the obvious factor that the paper's executives are angry with President Biden for not giving them an exclusive interview. Giving the cynics at the New York F-ing Times an opportunity to cut you down is not what the Biden campaign needs. Also, perhaps the President remembers what the paper did to Hillary Clinton's campaign in the last few weeks with their damaging and over-hyped "Hillary's e-mails" coverage which aided the Malignant Loser's campaign.
BONUS: In the real world of actual voting- at- the- polls, the Malignant Loser continues to lose Republican voters to long- ago dropout Nikki Haley -- losing 20% in Maryland and 18% in deep- red Nebraska. Sad! (but more believable than the New York F-ing Times)!
BONUS II: More analysis of the polling flaws and what it chooses to emphasize.
(image: Shutterstock)
Best line I've seen so far this year:
ReplyDeleteThe New York Times is a right-wing newsletter, with recipes