Monday, June 3, 2024

More Signs Of Mental Decline In Trump's Fox Interview

The Malignant Loser raged against the judicial system and his political enemies in a softball, heavily-edited interview yesterday on Fox and Friends Weekend, suggesting that his cult would reach a "breaking point" of violence if he's jailed.  He continued to spread more lies about things that are demonstrably false, so much so that Fox apparently had to heavily edit the tape in fear of another defamation suit like the successful one against them by Dominion Voting Systems. 

As another indication of his mental decline, the Malignant Loser said he never used the phrase "lock her up" during his 2016 campaign against Hillary Clinton, where video tape exists of multiple times he led that chant at his rallies. He's clearly been rattled by the 34 felony counts and the upcoming sentencing, just four days before his cult rallies to crown him in Milwaukee as their once and forever Orange Calf. Expect that his mental meltdown will only get worse as the pressure builds.


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