Friday, June 28, 2024

QOTD: Fact Checking, Debate Prep, and The Convention


Disaffected cynic Jeff Greenfield at perhaps echoing what many prominent Dems may be thinking in private:

"For Biden’s partisans, Trump’s affect will count for much less than his prevarications. They will demand to know why the moderators did not fact check in real time (Spoiler Alert: It’s not their job, it’s the candidate’s job; in fact, CNN’s Jake Tapper and Dana Bash did first-rate work). They will argue that Biden did better as the debate went on, provided you don’t count the closing statement, which bookended the incoherence of his first answer. Their sharpest questions however, might be directed at the team of experienced, seasoned debate prep mavens, who are now doing Google searches about the Witness Protection Program.

As for the rest of the Democratic Party, I suspect there will be even more urgent searches looking into the details of convention rules, and just how bound the delegates are."

Btw, nice line about Biden's "experienced, seasoned debate prep mavens" looking into the Witness Protection Program. If that was debate prep, it's a case study in how not to do it.


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