Friday, June 28, 2024

SCOTUS Decisions: Jan. 6 Obstruction And Fed Regulations


The right-wing Trumpist majority Supreme Court handed down key opinions on a case linked to the Malignant Loser's role in his January 6 insurrection, Fischer v. United States and the ability of Federal agencies to engage in regulatory activities and rulemaking, Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo.

In Fischer, the case involved the Government charging rioter Joseph Fischer with obstruction of an official proceeding, a charge leveled on most if not all of the rioters, and one leveled against the Malignant Loser in his leading the insurrection. The Court ruled against the Government in a 6-3 vote (Coney Barrett, Kagan and Sotomayer dissented), significantly narrowing the "obstruction" criteria for an official proceeding. While this is a gift for the Malignant Loser's cult, his incitement of the riot on January 6 was specifically designed to stall the electoral count in order to provide time to submit false elector slates and subvert the 2020 election, since the ruling notes that submitting false documents to obstruct is not covered in the opinion.

In Loper Bright Enterprises, the case involved the power of Federal agencies to interpret a law if it is ambiguous, a decision (6 -3 with Kagan, Jackson and Sotomayer dissenting) that effective hampers the Federal regulation powers of executive branch agencies over their ability to interpret and implement statues. Expect cheers from corporate polluters and donors to the MAGA Republican movement over this terrible decision.


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