Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Smarmy Trump Lets His Racist Flag Fly (Again)


This clip from the convicted felon Malignant Loser's appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists convention today in Chicago speaks for itself:


We'll let the Harris campaign reply:



Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

 (R.J. Matson, CQ/ Roll Call)

(Jen Sorensen,

(Jack Ohman, Tribune Content agency)

(Drew Sheneman, The Star-ledger, Newark, NJ)

(Michael de Adder, Halifax Herald, Canada)

(Phil Hands, Wisconsin State Journal)

(Gary Markstein,

(Jeff Darcy, Cleveland Plain Dealer)

(Oliver Schopf, Der Standard, Vienna)

(Nick Anderson, Reform Austin News, TX)

(John Darkow, Columbia Missourian)

(Arcadio Esquivel, Costa Rica)

(Vaughan Tomlinson, @vaughantomlinson)

QOTD: Black Men Defending V.P. Harris

"I'm going to confess. I wasn't too happy about that, but I'm all in now. I'm 100% now for this reason. This representative from Tennessee—sorry, Connie—from Tennessee called her a D-E-I candidate. And then they start calling her colored. Then they start calling her out of her name. And as a Black man, I can't let no white man talk about no sister like that. And I'm taking offense to it. [snip]

How qualified does a Black person have to be -- to have graduated at the top of her class at Howard, went to law school, was attorney general of a state, a United States senator, a vice president of the United States, but she's not qualified? I'm all in". -- Rev. Terry Anderson, Jr. , pastor of Houston's Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church, explaining how his reservations about Vice President Kamala Harris' role as presumptive Dem nominee have changed after the vile attacks on her from MAGAts. His reference to a representative from Tennessee refers to the dumbass white supremacist Rep. Tim "Dim" Burchette (Sedition-TN), who cluelessly referred to Harris as a "D.E.I. hire," despite her being far more qualified than his reality show host cult leader.

African Americans who have sided with the white supremacist Malignant Loser need to think long and hard about their choices. Rev. Anderson clearly has.


Tweets / Xeets Of The Day


Dropping a hint? Or a Jedi mind trick? --



Energized! --





"New option" testing well --



Weird, cont. --






What's that Musk-y smell?  Another recall --



Giving cyber criminal Putin a taste of his own medicine --



"Clutch" defined --




Harris Now Leads In Four Swing States


A new Bloomberg News / Morning Consult poll in several battleground states indicates that Vice President Kamala Harris has wiped out the Malignant Loser's lead, reversing the poll numbers for President Biden in those states:

"Democratic U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris has gained ground against Republican Donald Trump in six of the seven swing states since President Joe Biden dropped out of the presidential race, according to a Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll of registered voters published on Tuesday.

The poll - conducted online from July 24-28 - shows Harris leading Trump in Michigan by 11 percentage points, while in Arizona, Wisconsin and Nevada, she has a 2-point advantage. Trump is ahead of Harris in Pennsylvania by 4 points and in North Carolina by 2 points. They are on equal footing in Georgia.

Wisconsin is the only state of the seven where Trump has narrowed his deficit with Harris in comparison to Biden's performance in a previous poll.

Tuesday's poll has a margin of error of 3 percentage points in Arizona, Georgia and Pennsylvania, 4 percentage points in Michigan, North Carolina and Wisconsin, and 5 percentage points in Nevada."

The election is still more than 90 days away. The Dems have a convention in August which should positively showcase the Vice President and whomever she picks as a running mate, getting a "bump" in the polls. The MAGAts are increasingly desperate and flailing with outrageous attacks on Harris and Dems. The bottom line, however, is the only "poll" that counts is the vote in November, so the excitement and enthusiasm on the Dem side has got to be transformed into a get-out-the-vote effort to defeat the greatest internal threat to the country since the Civil War.

BONUS:  Re that Pennsylvania poll, Susquehanna Polling released a poll yesterday showing Harris up by 4 with likely voters, so take all polls with a grain of salt at this point.  But the momentum is strongly and clearly in the VP's direction.

Trump Smears VP Harris And Husband

The Malignant Loser, who referred to KKK and Nazi torch marchers in Charlottesville, VA in 2017 as "very fine people," said Vice President Harris "doesn't like the Jewish people" and "everyone knows it but no one wants to say it." Harris' husband Doug Emhoff is Jewish, a fact that must have eluded the unstable Malignant Loser. More from Newsweek:

"In an interview on Tuesday, former President Donald Trump seemed to agree with a radio host's statement who called Vice President Kamala Harris' Jewish husband, Doug Emhoff, 'a crappy Jew.'

Trump, the GOP presidential nominee, spoke with WABC radio host Sid Rosenberg in an interview on Tuesday. [snip]

In the interview, Rosenberg, a conservative radio personality that has a controversial history, began to criticize the second gentleman, calling him 'a crappy Jew,' as Trump appeared to agree.

'He's Jewish like Bernie Sanders is Jewish. Are you kidding me? He's a crappy Jew,' Rosenberg declared.

'Yeah,' Trump said as the conversation continued to critique Harris on various other issues."  (our emphasis)

The Malignant Loser has a history of trafficking in anti-Semitism,  and has frequently slurred American Jews who vote Democratic as showing indifference or hatred for Israel. He hosted two virulent anti-Semites, Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, at his Florida residence in 2022.

That a bigoted, non-religious buffoon thinks he can decide who is a good Jew and who is a bad Jew (or who is a good Christian and who is a bad one) is a manifestation of his pathological narcissism and sick mind. 


Trump's Nephew: "Donald Is Atomic Crazy"


ICYMI, the convicted felon Malignant Loser's nephew Fred Trump III was interviewed by ABC News' Aaron Katersky on yesterday's "Good Morning America," during which he called his uncle "atomic crazy."  The gist of the interview certainly comes as no surprise to anyone who has observed the sociopathic narcissist, but is notable coming from someone who has been around the Malignant Loser his whole life (he's also the brother of psychologist Mary Trump, author of several books on the Malignant Loser's psychopathy):

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Bill Bramhall, New York Daily News)

(Theo Moudakis, Toronto Star)

(Rick McKee,

(Nick Anderson, Reform Austin News, TX)

 (Tim Campbell, Counterpoint)

(Tjeerd Royaards, Trouw, Netherlands)

(Paul Fell,

(Rob Rogers,

(Jimmy Margulies, King Features)

(Marian Kamensky, @EandPCartoons)

(John Deering, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette)

(Brooke Bourgeois and Scott Polhemus, @b_a_bourgeois)

Pic Of The Week -- Aerial


 From CNN

Surfer Gabriel Medina was taking on Kanoa Igarashi, the man who beat him at the Tokyo Olympics and eventually won silver, and he was looking to turn the tide this time around.

The Brazilian not only managed to take down the Japanese surfer, he did so in part thanks to a near-perfect 9.90-scoring wave on Day 3 of the surfing competition in Tahiti – taking part halfway around the world from Paris. It was the highest-scoring wave in Olympic history.

The resultant jubilation produced another moment of perfection: Medina leapt from his surfboard, raised his finger aloft and his board just managed to fly parallel to him as photographer Jerome Brouillet from Agence France-Presse snapped the shot...

He's now in the final 8 in the competition, with a good shot at a medal.  As for the photo, it scores a gold medal for M. Brouillet.

(Photo:  Jerome Brouillet/ AFP/ Getty Images)

QOTD -- The Dude Abides For Harris



“I’m white. I’m a dude and I’m for Harris.” 

“I’m excited, man. The fact that Joe passed the baton so beautifully and Kamala is our girl. A woman president. How exciting!”  -- comments from The Dude from "The Big Lebowski" (a.k.a, Jeff Bridges), during a "White Dudes for Harris" Zoom call yesterday.  The call drew 200,000 participants and raised more than $4 million for the Harris campaign. We abide with The Dude. 

(Photo:  Gramercy Pictures)

Tweets / Xeets of the Day


New ad out from Vice President Harris, "Fearless" --

More weirdness from the Malignant Loser: Melania likes me edition --



His cult is weird, too, and racist a.f.  -- 


New generation candidates are a winning pattern --

What's that Musk-y smell? Election interference. -- 

Dictators for "one day" don't leave -- 

Sen. "Jubilation T. Cornpone" Kennedy (Racist-LA) gets a reminder --

A righteous job -- 

Slava Ukraini! -- 

Karma bites! -- 

Protests Grow Over Maduro's Fraudulent Election


Venezuelan dictator NicolΓ‘s Maduro is facing growing protests over what most election observers say is a fraudulent election. Before the election, his opposition, Edmundo Gonzalez, was polling far over 50% against the Venezuelan strongman who promised bloodshed if he lost the election. From CNN:

"In the capital Caracas, security forces deployed tear gas to disperse a large crowd of protesters, while crowds of people were seen walking down a main road banging pots and pans as anger rose over Maduro’s victory on Sunday. PROVEA, a Venezuelan human rights organization, said pro-Maduro armed groups shot at peaceful demonstrators in Avenue Urdaneta.

Protests were also reported in other cities, including Maracay, where opposition activist Esthefania Natera told CNN that people were on the streets 'to yell and demand to tell the truth because we know the real results.' In the coastal state of FalcΓ³n, demonstrators toppled a statue of Maduro, video on social media showed.

Analysts say there could be a new wave of unrest in the country if there are widespread protests against the regime. Street demonstrations in previous years were crushed by the country’s military, which has long supported Maduro and his predecessor, the late Hugo Chavez." (our emphasis)

Seventy-three percent of the tally sheets obtained by the opposition indicate that Gonzalez showed more than 6 million votes for him, and only 2.7 million votes for Maduro, roughly paralleling the pre-election polls. For Maduro, this is business as usual:

"The opposition said its witnesses were denied access to the National Electoral Council (CNE) headquarters as votes were being counted, and alleged that the electoral authority had prevented more votes from being processed. The government has also been accused of rigging votes in the past, which it denied.

Maduro’s government controls almost all state institutions, including the CNE, which was accused in 2017 of manipulating turnout figures by a software company that provided the voting technology. The CNE previously denied the assertion."  (our emphasis)

International reaction was negative throughout Latin America and elsewhere in the world, with the exception of similar far left regimes in Cuba, Honduras, Bolivia and of course Russia, which sees Venezuela as a foothold in South America to spread anti-American policies.


Reviving The Obama Coalition


Morley Winograd and Michael Hais of the Brookings Institution see a revival of the Obama coalition of 2008 in the candidacy of the next President of the United States, Kamala Harris:

The first measurement of the wave that washed over the American public was a six-point increase in the percentage saying the country is “on the right track” in last week’s New York Times poll of likely 2024 general election voters. Using the same methodology that had drawn criticism from Democrats in the past, the Times found that 29% now said the country was headed in the right direction compared to only 23% who gave that answer in the previous New York Times poll which was taken immediately after the Biden-Trump debate. This increase was driven mostly by the demographic segments that have come to be associated with the emerging Democratic majority coalition—women, voters under 45, people of color, and those who identify as Democrats.

Thanks to this growing feeling of optimism about the future, Harris has pulled essentially even with Trump (Trump 48%, Harris 47%) according to this most recent survey. Three weeks earlier, the Times found President Biden trailing Trump by a statistically significant 6-point margin (49% to 43%). Harris’s gains flowed from how complete a job her candidacy has done in reuniting the new winning Democratic coalition in this newest poll—women, voters under 45, and people of color. Support for the new Democratic presidential nominee in comparison with Joe Biden rose from 51% to 55% among women, 48% to 59% among 18 to 29-year-olds, 43% to 49% among 30 to 44-year-olds, 47% to 60% among Hispanics, and 39% to 58% among nonwhite voters who are not Black or Hispanic.

Not only has Kamala Harris’s candidacy united the Democratic coalition but it has also made its major voting segments much more likely to turn out and vote this fall. For example, the percentages among people of color who say they are “almost certain” to vote in November has risen sharply (Black people from 53% to 62% and Hispanic people from 46% to 59%). “Almost certain” to vote numbers have also risen among city dwellers (from 59% to 63%) and suburbanites (from 62% to 65%). Most decisively, the change in Democratic presidential nominees has activated Democratic identifiers (from 61% “almost certain” to vote to 72%) and those who said they were voting for the Democratic presidential candidate (from 65%, when Biden was the likely nominee, to 70% when Harris became the likely nominee). In fact, potential Harris voters are now more likely to say they are “almost certain” to vote than are potential Trump voters (70% to 65%)... (our emphasis)

We clearly remember the 2008 campaign and the Democratic coalition that was re-energized under President Obama. To us today, it's a very similar feeling of optimism.  It's not only a sense of another generational shift underway, but of an historic, long- overdue breaking of a gender and racial barrier in American politics.  It's a sense of an America that's forward- looking and "on the right track" again.

We have a (soon- to- be- official) Presidential candidate we can be immensely proud of, and will soon have a Vice Presidential candidate from a strong bench of Democrats ready to take the fight to the insurrectionist MAGA Republican cult and win.  For democracy, for freedom, for justice, for all of us.

(Photo: Andrew Harnik / Getty Images)

Olympic Opening Ceremony Pissed Off Brent Terhune


Comedian Brent Terhune has some hilarious thoughts rants as a (paranoid) MAGA American Christian, on the Opening Ceremony at the Paris Olympics. Of course, he was simply channeling the response from many on the Christofascist right in this country in their victimhood. Oh, the persecution!

Monday, July 29, 2024

Cover Of The Week


New York Magazine, out now:

 (Props for including Charli xcx and the coconut meme!)

Tweets / Xeets Of The Day

"When we fight, we win.  Let's get to work" -- 



The weird Dementia Don --


Typhoid Trump --


Trump agrees to "victim interview"with FBI. Because he loves playing the victim --

The weird Junior Demagogue keeps digging that hole --


... while NYC sanitation pwns his couch affair 😁 --


Paging Mike Pence ... --



"Rambunctious" sleazeball --


What's that Musk-y smell? A fascist oligarch named Elon Musk --



Brazen and criminal electoral fraud in Venezuela --



Putin's Wagner Group mercenaries suffer mal du Mali -- 

🎢 Memories ... --



QOTD: Reform The Supreme Court


In an editorial opinion this morning in the Washington Post, President Biden laid out his proposal to reform the Supreme Court after a series of extreme opinions signaled the need for change. The opening paragraphs

"This nation was founded on a simple yet profound principle: No one is above the law. Not the president of the United States. Not a justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. No one.

But the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision on July 1 to grant presidents broad immunity from prosecution for crimes they commit in office means there are virtually no limits on what a president can do. The only limits will be those that are self-imposed by the person occupying the Oval Office.

If a future president incites a violent mob to storm the Capitol and stop the peaceful transfer of power — like we saw on Jan. 6, 2021 — there may be no legal consequences.

And that’s only the beginning."

The President goes on to list three reforms: a Constitutional amendment to prevent Presidents from claiming criminal immunity for official acts, 18-year term limits on Supreme Court justices, and a binding code of conduct (ed.- let's call it the Clarence Thomas Code) to help eliminate financial or other conflicts of interest. Reforms like these require a public movement of support, and elected officials who will act on the reforms. A President Kamala Harris and a Dem Senate and House will help push them through, a MAGA one will not. That's something else on the ballot in November.


Today's Tomorrow Cartoon


(click to enlarge)

It's been the most bizarre, twisting and turning few weeks in a very long time, with more to come no doubt. From today's vantage point, there's much more cautious optimism about the political landscape, even though a close election is almost certain. The line couldn't be more clear between an authoritarian, reactionary MAGA future and one in which rights are restored and the rule of law prevails in a democracy. As we're hearing more and more, people have the power (if they only use it).

The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly


The good:

... The Harris campaign, working to redefine the race with particular attention to the youth vote, including colorizing online HarrisHQ banners lime green after Charli xcx’s “brat” endorsement, has sought to draw attention to Trump’s rally storytelling. Particularly, they have highlighted his frequent but references to fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter of Silence of the Lambs fame as well as the choice between being shocked by a sinking electric boat or being eaten by a shark.

But “weird” is what seems to be sticking, in part as an apparent simplification of warnings about the threat to democracy that Trump poses – which dominated 15 months of Biden’s re-election campaign.

Minnesota’s Democratic governor Tim Walz appears to have started the “weird” political trendline. He posted on X, “Say it with me: Weird,” in response to a video of Trump speaking about Lecter. Walz later followed up with “these guys are weird” to describe Trump and Vance.

During a Sunday appearance on CNN’s State of the Union, Walz was asked if “weird” had replaced existential threat to democracy as a more effective attack strategy. The retired high school educator and football coach replied: “It’s an observation because being a schoolteacher I see a lot of things.”

Walz added that a second Trump presidency could indeed put women’s lives at risk over reproductive rights after three of his US supreme court appointees helped eliminate federal abortion rights in 2022. He also said Trump could end other constitutional liberties – but musing about his embodiment of a threat to democracy “gives him way too much power,” Walz argued.

“Listen to the guy. He’s talking about Hannibal Lecter and shocking sharks and whatever crazy thing pops into his mind,” Walz said.

“I think we give him way too much credit. If you just ratchet down some of the scariness and just name it what it is. Have you seen the guy laugh? It seems very weird to me that an adult can go through six-and-a-half years of being in the public eye and when he laughs it’s at someone – not with them.”

“That’s very weird behavior,” Walz explained on State of the Union. “I don’t think you call it anything else. It’s simply what we’re observing.”...

Weird.  Sick.  Deranged.  Fascistic.  It all works for us.  And Gov. Walz?  He's got chops, so don't sleep on him as our VP candidate.  We're grateful Democrats have such a deep and deeply normal bench.

The bad:

During her rise through America’s most prestigious schools, law firms and judicial clerkships, Usha Vance rarely — if ever — volunteered her opinions on the nation’s bitterly partisan politics to friends and colleagues.

But she did express revulsion at former president Donald Trump’s actions on Jan. 6, 2021.

Vance told friends she was outraged by Trump’s incitement of the deadly riot at the U.S. Capitol and lamented the social breakdown that fueled his political support, according to one friend, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive conversations. Her view at the time contrasts with the later pronouncements of her husband and Trump’s newly minted running mate, JD Vance, who has downplayed the storming of the Capitol and called participants who were jailed “political prisoners.”

“Usha found the incursion on the Capitol and Trump’s role in it to be deeply disturbing,” the friend recalled. “She was generally appalled by Trump, from the moment of his first election.”

Speaking the morning after Usha Vance introduced her husband at the Republican National Convention and watched his speech from the same VIP box as Trump, the friend added, “It was surreal to see her sitting next to him last night.”

That sensation is widely shared among her friends, former co-workers and fellow alumni, more than two dozen of whom spoke to The Washington Post for this story. Some watched in disbelief on July 17 when Usha Vance, 38, addressed an overwhelmingly White crowd on the convention floor that tittered uneasily as she joked about her husband learning to cook Indian food and audibly gasped when she mentioned her vegetarian diet.  [snip]

Jai Chabria, a Republican strategist for JD Vance’s 2022 Senate campaign and a family friend, said Usha’s views of the former president have changed, mirroring the evolution of her husband, once a fierce Trump critic.

“Usha has had a similar shift in views and fully supports Donald Trump and her husband and will do whatever she can to ensure their victory this November,” Chabria said in a statement provided by the Vance spokesperson. A Trump campaign spokeswoman did not comment for this story...

"A similar shift in views" caused by extreme ambition, misplaced loyalty, and a serious lack of convictions. Yet another example in MAGA world of the bad things people will do for access to power.

The ugly:

For a time, Donald Trump would have made for an unlikely headliner at a cryptocurrency confab.

As president, Trump declared bitcoin “not money” and criticized it as “highly volatile and based on thin air.” He cautioned that crypto assets helped facilitate illegal underground markets.

“We have only one real currency in the USA, and it is stronger than ever,” Trump wrote on Twitter in 2019. “It is called the United States Dollar!”

But on Saturday, Trump addressed the cryptocurrency industry’s largest annual gathering here in Nashville not as a cynic but as one of its best-known supporters – the culmination of a total reversal on the issue during the former president’s latest White House bid.

Despite cryptocurrency’s troubling recent history and his own past reservations, Trump has fully embraced the hype and hopes of the nascent industry. His campaign now accepts bitcoin donations – and has collected about $4 million worth, a source with knowledge of his fundraising said. He has attacked the Biden administration’s efforts to regulate the industry as a “war on crypto” without acknowledging the massive fraud schemes that have shattered public confidence in digital currencies. And he has vowed as president to make it easier for cryptocurrency mining companies to operate in the United States...

Con artist recognizes a con, amirite?  His appearance at the convention of the credulous was also marked by more *weird* stuff coming out of his cryptohole: 

"... [W]e will be creating so much electricity that you'll be saying, Please, please, President, we don't want any more electricity. We can't stand it. You'll be begging me, no more electricity, sir, we have enough. We have enough."  


Sunday, July 28, 2024

Across The Universe, Cont. -- Island Universe


(click on image to enlarge)

From NASA/ ESA, July 22, 2024: In this week’s Hubble Picture of the Week we are treated to a wonderfully detailed snapshot of NGC 3430. A spiral galaxy, it lies 100 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Leo Minor. Several other galaxies are located relatively nearby to this one, just out of frame; one is close enough that gravitational interaction is driving some star formation in NGC 3430. 

That NGC 3430 is such a fine example of a galactic spiral may be why it ended up as part of the sample that Edwin Hubble used to define his classification of galaxies. Namesake of the Hubble Space Telescope, in 1926 he authored a paper which classified some four hundred galaxies by their appearance — as either spiral, barred spiral, lenticular, elliptical or irregular. This straightforward typology proved immensely influential, and the modern, more detailed schemes that astronomers use today are still based on it. NGC 3430 itself is an SAc galaxy, a spiral lacking a central bar with open, clearly-defined arms.

At the time of Hubble’s paper, the study of galaxies in their own right was in its infancy. With the benefit of Henrietta Leavitt’s work on Cepheid variable stars, Hubble had only a couple of years before settled the debate about whether these ‘nebulae’, as they were called then, were situated within our galaxy or were distant and independent. He himself referred to ‘extragalactic nebulae’ in his paper, indicating that they lay beyond the Milky Way galaxy. Once it became clear that these distant objects were very different from actual nebulae, the favoured term for a while was the quite poetic ‘island universe’. While NGC 3430 may look as if it still deserves this moniker, today we simply call it and the objects like it a ‘galaxy’.

[Image Description: A spiral galaxy with three prominent arms wrapping around it, and plenty of extra gas and dark dust between the arms. There are shining blue points throughout the arms and some patches of gas out beyond the galaxy’s edge, where stars are forming. The centre of the galaxy also shines brightly. It is on a dark background where some small orange dots mark distant galaxies.]

Credit:  ESA/Hubble & NASA, C. Kilpatrick

Today's Cartoons


(click on images to enlarge)

(Clay Jones,

(J.D. Crowe, Alabama Media Group)

(Michael de Adder, Toronto Star)

(Clay Bennett, Chattanooga Times Free Press)

(Randall Enos,

(Ed Wexler,

(Joel Pett, Tribune Content Agency)

(Jeff Darcy, Cleveland Plain Dealer)

(Ann Telnaes, Washington Post)

(John Darkow, Columbia Missourian)

(Vaughan Tomlinson, @vaughantomlinson)