Thursday, July 4, 2024

NATO Summit Seen As Test For Biden

The U.S. will host a summit of the 32 member NATO alliance this week in Washington, D.C. in the aftermath of a poor performance in a debate with the Malignant Loser, and President Biden will be watched closely as a result. It's the 75th anniversary of the NATO alliance, which has been the bulwark for checking Soviet Union / Russian ambitions for central and western Europe. The Malignant Loser has taken the treasonous Putin-approved position that NATO is an obsolete collection of dead-beat nations that are robbing the U.S. of it's wealth. That the election of the Malignant Loser would be a win for Russia is a vast understatement, and the NATO allies (perhaps excepting Hungary's Putin fan Viktor Orbán) know what's at stake. From the WaPo:

"The substantive summit agenda remains, focused on support for Ukraine and its path toward NATO membership, as well as alliance unity, burden-sharing and modernization. On Wednesday, Biden’s national security team was preparing his remarks — known in alliance parlance as 'interventions' — for the main summit plenary meetings and firming up a schedule for bilateral sessions with individual government heads on the sidelines.

But the debate stumbles have amplified existing apprehension — shared by many alliance members — that Biden’s reelection campaign is in trouble and that they risk a return to the troubled years of Donald Trump’s disdain for NATO, insults to his fellow Western leaders and praise of adversaries such as Russian President Vladimir Putin.

'What they’re worried about is Trump, not Biden,' suggested a White House official, one of several U.S. and foreign officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive diplomatic and security issues." (our emphasis)

It's a significant and pivotal moment for President Biden, and the NATO allies will be observing nervously:

"In the wake of the rising turmoil unleashed by the debate, a senior official from one NATO country said the summit was a welcome moment to assess Biden in the flesh and make plans accordingly. This official said leaders would be eyeing the president’s comportment in all of their interactions with him: at the summit itself, a reception, a Wednesday dinner for leaders and their spouses, and during one-on-one sessions." (our emphasis)

Our allies know the stakes for democracy and the rule of law better that almost half of the U.S. population which is backing the compromised Orange Turd. Hopefully, Biden will rise to the challenge and will be at his best.

(photo: NATO member nations' flags flying at its headquarters in Brussels. NATO)


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