"... The rule of law, as the saying goes, must exist for everyone; otherwise, it exists for no one. By placing the president beyond the rule of law, the Supreme Court has deprived all of us of its protections. The constitutional structure we have relied on since 1789 — imperfect but resilient, a creation of man not of the divine, a work in progress never to be fully completed — was turned on its ear yesterday by an ahistorical decision grounded neither in the text of the Constitution nor our traditions and customs nor our best hopes for ourselves or our form of self governance.
"It is a shock to the system that is going to take a long time to come to grips with and decades or longer to remedy. In the first few hours since the decision came down, I’m not seeing it sinking in yet across broad swaths of the media, the legal system, the political system or society writ large. The high court has ruled it so. There is no immediate recourse against it or against the new and alien structure it has foisted upon us. Short of a new constitutional convention or a series of constitutional amendments, we are stuck with it. That is going to take time to settle into elite consciousness. [snip]
"We have entered an uncertain new era. The door is now wide open to the kinds of fascism and authoritarianism we spent much of the 20th century and hundreds of thousands of American lives combatting overseas. Many of you will be skeptical of this. I will take no joy in being right about this. You can wait and see, but don’t wait too long. It may already be too late." -- David Kurtz, Talking Points Memo, on the sea change ushered in by the illegitimate Supreme Court's handing convicted felon Malignant Loser immunity for criminal offenses if deemed "official acts." The insouciance with which much of the media and political chatterers have greeted this outrageous, un- American ruling (how many news stories, analyses, or op eds have you seen about it?) bespeaks a political culture casually sleepwalking into a fascist America. The timing of the ruling was perfect, coming days after the disastrous Presidential debate focused the world on President Biden's performance, and has ever since.
Another "Sic transit gloria, America" moment in time.
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