Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Fundraising And Crowds: Trump's Smaller Size

Some reports from July's fundraising, the Democratic National Convention, and trolling Trump in Milwaukee:

July fundraising:

"Kamala Harris’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee raised three times as much as Donald Trump’s campaign and the Republican National Committee in July, and ended the month with a cash advantage that positions the newly minted Democratic presidential nominee to air more ads and maintain a larger payroll than her Republican opponent in the final months of the race for the White House. [snip]

But the Harris campaign and her allied committees said they raised more than $300 million last month in total and had $377 million on hand heading into August. [snip]

The Trump campaign and his allied committees said they raised nearly $139 million in July and had $327 million in cash on hand heading into August."  (our emphasis)

Convention viewership

 "20 million viewers tuned in to watch the Democratic National Convention across networks on Monday, according to Nielsen.

This puts Night 1 of the DNC above each of the first three nights of last months Republican National Convention, which reached 18.1 million, 14.8 million and 18 million viewers, respectively."  (our emphasis)

Harris' Milwaukee rally

"Vice President Kamala Harris held a raucous rally Tuesday night in Milwaukee -- in the middle of the Democratic National Convention -- at the same arena where former President Donald Trump accepted the Republican nomination just a month ago. [snip]

'If she can fill up that arena that can hold some 18,000 people -- that could get under Trump's skin,' the campaign official said -- a reference to Trump's focus on crowd size."

All of these things are sure to get under the mentally ill, felonious Malignant Loser's thin orange skin and launch him into further conspiracy theories and lies as he flails against a growing tide.


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