Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Voters Now See Trump's Age As Concern: Poll


A new Morning Consult poll indicates that voters have shifted their concern over age and mental fitness to the Malignant Loser, a clear blow to the MAGA strategy up to President Biden's decision not to run. From the findings:

"Former President Donald Trump has lost his advantage on voters’ concerns about the presidential candidates’ age and fitness as Vice President Kamala Harris makes up ground on a number of positive traits following President Joe Biden’s departure from the race. 

At the same time, Morning Consult’s weekly political tracking shows Harris is performing better against Trump than Biden did on gaining voters’ trust across a range of key issues — a finding that’s backed up by our swing-state surveys on behalf of Bloomberg News.  

Compared with Biden before he ended his campaign, our latest survey shows voters nationwide are far more likely to say Harris is in good health (71% to 30%), mentally fit (64% to 35%) or a strong leader (48% to 38%). [snip]

Beyond age, Harris also performs better than Biden on questions of trustworthiness and empathy (“cares about people like me”), a theme that our Bloomberg News survey shows persists at the swing-state level."

We're two weeks away from the Dem convention in Chicago, and the momentum is with V.P. Harris, who will be naming her running mate later today. 


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