Monday, August 5, 2024

Yes, "Project 2025" Is Still Trump's Christofascist Plan, Cont.


Don't let anyone tell you that the Christofascist plan for another racist convicted felon Malignant Loser administration isn't "Project 2025." We just quoted Timothy Snyder's warning on the Malignant Loser's situational distancing himself from the Christofascist roadmap (see QOTD, below).  

But one of its feral fascist architects, Russell Vought, helpfully steps forward to say the quiet part loud:

Russell Vought sounds like a general marshaling troops for combat when he talks about taming a “woke and weaponized” federal government.

He recently described political opposition as “enemy fire that’s coming over the target,” while urging allies to be “fearless at the point of attack” and calling his policy proposals “battle plans.”

If former President Donald Trump wins a second term in November, Vought may get the opportunity to go on the offensive.

A chief architect of Project 2025 — the controversial conservative blueprint to remake the federal government — Vought is likely to be appointed to a high-ranking post in a second Trump administration. And he’s been drafting a so-far secret “180-Day Transition Playbook” to speed the plan’s implementation to avoid a repeat of the chaotic start that dogged Trump’s first term.

Among the small cadre of Trump advisers who has a mechanic’s understanding of how Washington operates, Vought has advised influential conservative lawmakers on Capitol Hill, held a top post in the Trump White House and later established his own pro-Trump think tank. Now, he’s being mentioned as a candidate to be Trump’s White House chief of staff, one of the most powerful positions in government. [snip]

Led by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank, Project 2025 is a detailed 920-page handbook for governing under the next Republican administration. A whirlwind of hard-right ambitions, its proposals range from ousting thousands of civil servants and replacing them with Trump loyalists to reversing the Food and Drug Administration’s approval of medications used in abortions. Democrats for months have been using Project 2025 to hammer Trump and other Republicans, arguing to voters that it represents the former president’s true — and extreme — agenda...  (our emphasis)

Charitably speaking, that's the most anodyne description of the plan. Once again, Democracy Docket lays out the agenda's overarching goals:

  1. Restore the family as the centerpiece of American life and protect our children.
  2. Dismantle the administrative state and return self-governance to the American people.
  3. Defend our nation’s sovereignty, borders, and bounty against global threats.
  4. Secure our God-given individual rights to live freely—what our Constitution calls “the Blessings of Liberty.”

The rest of the document sketches out, in detail, how the next Republican administration can execute their goals on these four fronts. That includes comprehensive outlines on what the White House and every single federal agency should do to overhaul its goals and day-to-day operations — from the Department of Agriculture to the Department of Defense, Small Business Administration and Financial Regulatory Agencies. Every sector of the executive branch has a detailed plan in Project 2025 that explains how it can carry out an ultra-conservative agenda. 

Thus, this primary document

... lays out what is essentially a “Christian nationalist vision of the United States, one in which married heterosexuality is the only valid form of sexual expression and identity; all pregnancies would be carried to term, even if that requires coercion or death; and transgender and gender-nonconforming people do not exist.”

The Malignant Loser's cowardly disclaimers notwithstanding, Vought and others in the Christofascist biosphere fully intend to implement "Project 2025" should their cult leader Malignant Loser return to the Oval Office.  What electoral considerations would restrain him then, as they do now?  After all, he promised his Christofascist followers they wouldn't have to vote anymore because everything would be fixed. You know, through "Project 2025" following the suspension of elections in America.  

We, along with many others, keep bringing up the danger of this Christofascist plan for governance because the truth, often repeated, is the best disinfectant.  The Malignant Loser and his Christofascist "Project 2025" plan need to be taken seriously and literally.

(Photo: Vought / AP file )

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