Saturday, September 28, 2024

QOTD: "Trump Tanked It"

Vice President Harris in battleground state Arizona yesterday, talking about last spring's bipartisan immigration bill that the Malignant Loser killed because he wanted an issue to run on:

“It was the strongest border security bill we have seen in decades. It was endorsed by the Border Patrol union. And it should be in effect today, producing results in real time, right now, for our country.

But Donald Trump tanked it. He picked up the phone and called some friends in Congress and said, ‘Stop the bill,’ He prefers to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem. And the American people deserve a president who cares more about border security than playing political games and their personal political future.”  (our emphasis)

The Vice President needs to hit the Malignant Loser hard on his cynical and dishonest stance on the border. His undermining of the immigration bill is yet another example of putting his own interests (i.e. winning the election and avoiding prison) above those of the country.

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