Thursday, October 17, 2024

Quotes Of The Day -- McConnell's Cowardice


Shriveled eunuch Senate Minority "Leader" Mitch McConnell (Coward-KY) shows what your typically unprincipled MAGAt Republican will do to put party over country.  He's endorsed the Malignant Loser in 2024 despite having said these things in a new biography, "The Price of Power," by Michael Tackett, to be released on October 29 (our emphasis):

On the Malignant Loser's defeat in 2020 --

"[it] only underscores the good judgment of the American people. They’ve had just enough of the misrepresentations, the outright lies almost on a daily basis, and they fired him. And for a narcissist like him, that’s been really hard to take, and so his behavior since the election has been even worse, by far, than it was before, because he has no filter now at all.”

On the Malignant Loser withholding the coronavirus relief package --

This despicable human being is sitting on this package of relief that the American people desperately need.”
On the Malignant Loser's press conferences --
"[I]t’s not hard to look more knowledgeable than Donald Trump at a press conference.”

On the Malignant Loser following the party's losses in the 2018 mid- terms --

”[Trump] has every characteristic you would not want a president to have,” McConnell said in an oral history at the time, and was “not very smart, irascible, nasty.”

On the Malignant Loser's criticisms of him and the Malignant Loser's racist remarks about his wife --

“I can’t think of anybody I’d rather be criticized by than this sleazeball.”

Well, all we can say is that, in putting party over country by cowardly endorsing the person you've spoken about in those words, McConnell will go down in history as just as "despicable" and every bit as much of a "sleazeball" as the Malignant Loser, because you are who you vote for.  In McConnell's case, as the book's title says, that's the price of power.

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